Not a Fucking Diary: September 2005

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hurricane blues

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I feel sorry for the people that got fucked by the hurricane, but I see these people being interviewed saying things like, “I can’t believe this is America. No one is helping us.”

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! 1st of all, they told you to leave dumbass. 2nd, I am sure it's not easy getting hundreds of supply trucks through roads covered with 3 feet of water. They put out an evacuation notice and you decided to stay and take your chances. Well, it didn’t work out and now you wanna blame America. I heard a guy bitching about utilities and cell phone service being “cut off” by the utility companies. I would imagine the distribution infrastructure is fucking broken dipshit, no one made the decision to fuck you over by turning off your utilities. They just broke.
I even heard a woman complaining about the military rations that were being given away at the Superdome. Apparently free food doesn’t taste very good. She wasn’t even a bit grateful for the free meal and the rescue workers sent to keep everyone from dying. Even worse are the reports that people are being beaten, robbed, and raped in the shelters. This is fucking ricockulous! The situation was bad enough before these dicks decided to prey on the people around them. Even primitive tribesmen would know better than that. But it gets even worse.
Rescue workers are being FUCKING SHOT AT! These workers are trying to help, and all these dick-head looters and scumbags can think of doing is to shoot at them and steal shit that is of no use to them at this point, like jewelry. If I was gonna loot in their situation I might take clothes, guns, food, water, things that provide floatation, and maybe body armor considering my fucking neighbors. NOT JEWELRY.
I will say that the government was obviously ill prepared for this, but how do you prepare for that kind of disaster? They told people to leave. I hope everyone can get into a safe place and I hope people will stop acting like fucking rabid animals. Jesse Jackson blamed the hurricane on pollution and he blamed the shitty response on the Iraq war. What a douche. I am sure he has vast knowledge of ecological science, but he is just wrong on this one. Most people that would know, agree that the latest rash of hurricanes is due to a shift of the planetary axis caused by the earthquake that led to last years tsunami. Fuck that guy.

Don't stand so close to me

I was in line at walmart last nite. As usual I was deep in thought, oblivious to my surroundings. Then I felt something on my neck. I came out of my haze and looked behind me. It was the breath of a Mexican lady standing behind me. Standing way too damn close. I know that in mexico they have different rules about social distance, but if I can feel your breath on my neck you can be sure its time to back the fuck up. It wasn’t as if the place was crowded either, it was about 2a.m.
If this had been a guy I would surely have knocked his crooked fucking teeth out of his mouth. I cut women some slack of course, wouldn’t be right to punch her. If she was pretty I would have undoubtedly gotten instant wood. Unfortunately she was fat and gross.

Pay attention god damn it

Cell phones, mp3 players, portable gaming systems, and PDA’s are going to destroy the social fabric of the modern world. It seems like everyone I’ve ever seen on campus is holding a phone to their face, oblivious to everything around them. At least they aren’t driving. If it’s not someone that can’t bear to be alone with their own thoughts, then it’s someone trying to drown them out with noise. They walk to the beat, bobbing their head with their hands in the pockets of their baggy jeans, showing off their iPod. They’re so hip! The only thing that could make them hipper would be driving a new beetle.
The good thing about these people is they’re easy to rob. They can’t hear you coming and you can be pretty sure they have money with that sort of fancy hardware. Even if they don’t, you can hock the player. These guys are begging to get jumped. It wouldn’t bother me much except that it makes the person totally inaccessible. Random conversation is impossible. And all those pretty girls on cell phones will be deprived of my company because they can’t hear me when I offer to perform oral sex on them, free of charge.

Slug vision and acid trips

Have you ever felt something beyond your senses? Ever thought of someone you haven’t seen in years all day and saw them that same day? Ever gotten a “bad vibe” from a place? Ever sensed someone needed your help and later discovered that at the time they were in trouble? I wonder if this is a new sense humans are developing. A sense like sight, sound, and the other three.
If you examine primitive life, like slugs for example, you will see they have much less acuity to their senses. Slugs have vision, but it is very limited. The resolution isn’t there. They can tell the approximate direction of a light source, or maybe detect a wall, but they can’t distinguish a table from a human from a tree. Their sight is not developed to same level as ours. They can’t derive as much information from their sight as we can from ours. So I wonder if humans are in the primitive stages of developing a new sense, a way to sense feelings or danger or opportunity.
Anyone that has ever been on an acid trip will tell you they pick up “vibes”. One thinks they can sense the feelings of those around them. I remember several years ago I had an OVERWHELMING feeling that I should get in touch with my friend Tom. I felt very uneasy, like something terrible was pending. I couldn’t understand why, I had not seen or spoken to him in several weeks. I called his home number and his father answered and told me he was out of state. I said I would contact him later because it was late at night and I didn’t want to wake the people he was staying with. He said “I am sure he would really love to hear from you.” I passed again saying I would call him tomorrow. “It’s really not too late, you should give him a call.” So finally I asked the number where he was staying and called him. No answer. I gave up, telling myself I would call tomorrow and see how he was. Well, the next day I was told he killed himself that night.
I felt like I had failed, even though I had no way of knowing it would happen. The feeling of urgency was so intense that I felt almost like someone HAD told me what would happen. Ever since then I have been fairly convinced there is some higher plane of reality or at least some part of the universe we haven’t fully considered because we cannot clearly sense it.
People might say we would be able to detect such a force with all our modern instrumentation. But all our instrumentation merely extends the range of our current senses. Force sensors extend our sense of touch, microphones extend hearing, and any kind of electromagnetic sensor extends our sense of sight. But what instrument detects something we cannot sense at least indirectly? I can’t think of any. Even a compass isn’t special; humans have iron compounds in their nose which give us a sense of direction. So maybe thousands of years from now people will have the hardware needed to detect other people’s emotions and maybe more.