Bon Jovi sucks
When I hear “Bon Jovi” it reminds me of my childhood. Running around in the woods (vacant lots near grapevine lake) and doing all sorts of inadvisable things with fire, sharp things, and fragile objects. I thought Bon Jovi had died off along with my childhood, but several days ago I saw something on TV that proved this to be wishful thinking. I think Bon Jovi sucks, but for the era in which they were popular, they fit. Maybe even defined a genre of shitty music. And if they had stayed in the 80’s where they belong I wouldn’t have to write this post, but some people just don’t know when to bow out. So I saw this video called “Have a nice day”. This in itself isn’t too awful or embarrassing, in fact it’s a nice sentiment. But it wasn’t meant as a playful cheerful song, it was suppose to be edgy. “When the world gets in my face, I say, have a nice day!” Wow that’s the battle cry of a total pussy if I’ve ever heard one. When the world gets in my face I usually throw things around and curse like a sailor, and I’m just a normal guy and I'm way more badass than Bon Jovi, and I sure as shit wouldn’t make a song about what I do or say when the world gets in my face. That wasn’t the worst part though. In the video it showed these bratty fucks putting these lame stickers all over the place.

Like it was this meaningful act of defiance against the oppressive society around them. The power of stickers will stop the man from coming down them, stickers work better than nail bombs or Molotov cocktails. Bon Jovi should stop making music. Please comment to this blog as a petition against Bon Jovi and his tyranical suck.

Like it was this meaningful act of defiance against the oppressive society around them. The power of stickers will stop the man from coming down them, stickers work better than nail bombs or Molotov cocktails. Bon Jovi should stop making music. Please comment to this blog as a petition against Bon Jovi and his tyranical suck.
You are just now happy with people with different brows, baby. HA!
NOT happy I mean
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