Not a Fucking Diary: Hurricane blues

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hurricane blues

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I feel sorry for the people that got fucked by the hurricane, but I see these people being interviewed saying things like, “I can’t believe this is America. No one is helping us.”

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! 1st of all, they told you to leave dumbass. 2nd, I am sure it's not easy getting hundreds of supply trucks through roads covered with 3 feet of water. They put out an evacuation notice and you decided to stay and take your chances. Well, it didn’t work out and now you wanna blame America. I heard a guy bitching about utilities and cell phone service being “cut off” by the utility companies. I would imagine the distribution infrastructure is fucking broken dipshit, no one made the decision to fuck you over by turning off your utilities. They just broke.
I even heard a woman complaining about the military rations that were being given away at the Superdome. Apparently free food doesn’t taste very good. She wasn’t even a bit grateful for the free meal and the rescue workers sent to keep everyone from dying. Even worse are the reports that people are being beaten, robbed, and raped in the shelters. This is fucking ricockulous! The situation was bad enough before these dicks decided to prey on the people around them. Even primitive tribesmen would know better than that. But it gets even worse.
Rescue workers are being FUCKING SHOT AT! These workers are trying to help, and all these dick-head looters and scumbags can think of doing is to shoot at them and steal shit that is of no use to them at this point, like jewelry. If I was gonna loot in their situation I might take clothes, guns, food, water, things that provide floatation, and maybe body armor considering my fucking neighbors. NOT JEWELRY.
I will say that the government was obviously ill prepared for this, but how do you prepare for that kind of disaster? They told people to leave. I hope everyone can get into a safe place and I hope people will stop acting like fucking rabid animals. Jesse Jackson blamed the hurricane on pollution and he blamed the shitty response on the Iraq war. What a douche. I am sure he has vast knowledge of ecological science, but he is just wrong on this one. Most people that would know, agree that the latest rash of hurricanes is due to a shift of the planetary axis caused by the earthquake that led to last years tsunami. Fuck that guy.


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