Not a Fucking Diary: nucyular weapons and nucyular energy

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

nucyular weapons and nucyular energy

I was watching our luminous president give a speech on TV today and I know he isn’t known for his grammatical genius or his command of vocabulary and I can live with that. But I can’t stand it when people mispronounce nuclear. Bush must have said nucyular about 15 fucking times. I really can’t believe all of the brilliant people on his staff haven’t pointed this out to him. It would take 10 seconds to explain it, and would save him some embarrassment. For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, I’ll explain. The proper way to pronounce nuclear is just like its spelled, new-clear. But I hear the nucyular pronunciation more often. Everyone from my roommate to the president has done this. It might not bother me so much if people weren’t trying to sound intelligent or intellectual when they said it. But usually when the topic of nuclear power or nuclear weapons comes up, people are trying to make some point or advocate some course of action. It might lend some fucking credibility to your statements if you knew how to say the word, dip-shit! It isn’t so bad when my roommate makes this mistake, but all kinds of people from fellow engineers to men in positions of power do this, and that’s when it really drives me bat-shit crazy.


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